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Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The youth exuberance that blossomed on his mind had brought Raskolnikov into an idea of dividing men into two categories: ordinary and extraordinary. His idea was somehow influenced by his view on how Napoleon and other men of history overstepped law because they had their rights to shed bloods.

Raskolnikov knew that he's an intelligent fellow that he wanted to proof that an extraordinary man like he could throw all the obstacles to do what he deserved to do.

With the setting of his unfortunate economy, he saw that the useless human being like the pawnbroker lady who tortured the poor must be vanished from the earth. He began to take his idea into trial where he got his luck all the way, even after the slaughter's done. He was trembling, though, when he swung the weapon into the lady's head. But then he felt a cold shivering, a sensation that's new to him. Unfortunately, he had to shed more blood. It was of the lady's sister, who came home at the very hour. He thought about robbing the lady but it was never meant to be his ultimate goal. So he took the lady's purse for his security in the future.

The story is very intense and rightly paced. There was this complication with several characters, including the mother and Dounia, sister of Raskolnikov, Mr. Luzhin, his sister's fiancé, Mr. Svidrigailov, an old man who fell in love deeply with her, Razumihin, a fellow from the university, Mr. Porfiry, a sharp lawyer who haunted him with a phsycological war, police and clerks, and Sonia, a very young lady who later took an amount of role in his self renewal.

The conflict rather lays on how he saw himself as a criminal or the one who's done his duty. His inner argument where he had to run away or confess brings us to the horror of what the future offers. The time when he was on the edge, before the lawyer, someone came up confessing himself as a murderer. He was secured but also cornered by the Mr. Porfiry to be able to catch him unguarded. 

At the end, he confessed all his doing after a small conversation with his lover and an apology he made on the crossroad in front of the crowd. He went there, to the police office, meeting the one he wanted to say the truth. But it was paused for he heard a news of Mr. Svidrigailov's suicide. He walked out of the room. But once he saw Sonia followed him and stood silent by the building, he ran back to Mr. Ilya and said the same thing twice: it was I who murdered.



Tokyo Ghoul 1 Ep. 1

Ep 1 ·          Kamishiro Rize (“si Rakus”, kriminal tingkat S-ghoul Distrik 20) ·          Toka Kirishima (“Rabbit”, ghoul Distrik 20, siswi SMA, pegawai Anteiku) ·          Yamori Jason (ghoul Distrik 13) ·          Yoriko Kosaka (sahabat manusia Toka, siswi SMA) ·          Ken Kaneki (mahasiswa) ·          Dokter Kano ·          Hideyoshi Nagachika (sahabat Ken Kaneki, mahasiswa) ·          Kazuo Yoshida (staf pusat kebugaran, 41 tahun, ghoul Distrik 20) ·          Nishiki Nishio (mahasiswa, ghoul Distrik 20) ·          Yoshimura (Manajer Anteiku, ghoul Distrik 20) Plot 1.     Distrik 20, Aqua Building. Rize sedang makan buruannya dan saat itu Jason datang. Mereka hampir bertarung dan Jason sudah siap dengan kagunenya. Tetapi, Rize berhasil mengambil senjata Jason dan dibuang. 2.     Hide dan Ken sed

The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway)

Si bocah yang teramat terluka melihat kondisi fisik Pak Tua dan memahami apa yang telah dilaluinya pergi keluar gubuk. Ia menangis untuk kesekian kalinya. Google picture Santiago, nelayan tua tangguh yang berjanji pada dirinya sendiri untuk membawa ikan tangkapan seberat 1000 pon setidaknya. Ia berlayar berhari-hari dan tidak mendapat apa yang diinginkan. Ia pergi melaut bersama seorang bocah yang setia menemaninya sampai akhirnya si bocah tidak menemaninya lagi karena harus berlayar bersama ayahnya. Belakangan, Pak Tua percaya bahwa nasibnya kian buruk atau setidaknya dia tidak memiliki keberuntungan. Setelah berhari-hari melaut, Pak Tua kembali ke daratan dan berniat untuk kembali melaut esok harinya. Ia ingin membuktikan bahwa dalam kehidupannya setidaknya sesuatu yang sangat besar pernah ditangkapnya. Mulailah ia melaut, ditemani si bocah untuk menyiapkan segalanya. Si bocah tinggal di daratan dan akan menyusul pergi bersama ayahnya tetapi tidak akan jauh ke tenga

Hutan untuk Kemakmuran Masyarakat dan Kelestarian Lingkungan Hidup (Hasanu Simon)

Summary Artikel "Hutan untuk Kemakmuran Masyarakat dan Kelestarian Lingkungan Hidup" oleh  Hasanu Simon  dalam  Gema Forests for People (Hutan untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat), hlm. 143-161. Oktober 2004 Google picture Fungsi Hutan Pada dasarnya hutan memiliki dua fungsi, yaitu fungsi ekonomi dan fungsi perlindungan. Namun demikian, rezim pengelolaan hutan saat ini lebih condong pada pemenuhan fungsi ekonomi dan abai terhadap fungsi perlindungan yang sebenarnya menunjang fungsi lainnya. Di dalam memenuhi fungsi ekonomi pun, pemerintah lebih cenderung pada timber extraction yang terbatas pada hasil kayu pertukangan atau bahan baku industri. UU Kehutanan  UU Kehutanan di Indonesia terbaru adalah UU 41/ 1999, belum ada perubahan hingga saat ini (2018) dan paradigma yang digunakan masih paradigma kolot yang bervisi timber management , bukannya strategi kehutanan sosial. Lagipula, acuan pembentukan UU ini adalah Bosch Ordonantie 1927